MacGyver Wiki
Biographical Information
Real Name: Abina
Originally From: Ghana
Physical Description
Status: Alive
Character Information
First appearance: Scavengers + Hard Drive + Dragonfly
Portrayed by: Joy Sunday

Character Female Season Three

Abina is a scavenger who works in an E-waste landfill in Agbobgloshie, Ghana. She has incredible computer science skills that she used to make more profit from the electronic waste she harvested. Abina eventually becomes the leader of the landfill after The Phoenix Foundation helps her overthrow Joseph’s corrupt operation.

Early Life[]

At some point early in her life, Abina began working in Joseph’s E-waste landfill. Abina had a natural aptitude for working with technology and growth to become one of Joseph’s lead underlings. She befriended the other scavengers and often gave them instructions on how to work safer and more efficiently. She was able to use her computer skills to write an algorithm that would find illicit photos on the hard drives that Joseph could use to blackmail the former owners of the computers. Living and working import conditions led her to dream about moving to the United States and studying computer science at a university.

Season 3[]

Abina is initially captured by Phoenix agents while she is out on an errand for Joseph. The agents bribe her to help them so she brings them back to the junkyard and shows them where the hard drive is. Unfortunately, Joseph confiscates the hard drive before the Phoenix agents retrieve it so Abina shows them where Joseph lives. She agrees to help the Phoenix agents retrieve the drive if they promise to take her back to the United States with them. This foundation agrees to the deal and they are eventually able to retrieve the drive. Right before the group plans to leave Ghana, Joseph calls Abina and threatens to kill her friends if she does not return the drive. The Phoenix agents and Abina team up to defeat Joseph and reclaim the salvage yard. After Joseph is overthrown, Abina decided she wants to stay and help her friends run the e-waste landfill honestly and she becomes the group’s new leader. She teams up with the Phoenix Foundation and a nonprofit organization to build prefab homes for her friends so they can live and work in better conditions.


