MacGyver Wiki
Barn Find + Engine Oil + La Punzonatura + Lab Rats + Tachometer
Season 5, Episode 13
Air date April 9, 2021
Written by Alessia Costantini & Andrew Karlsruher
Directed by Katie Eastridge
Episode Guide
Royalty + Marriage + Vivaah Sanskar + Zinc + Henna


H20 + Orthophosphates + Mission City + Corrosion + Origins

Barn Find + Engine Oil + La Punzonatura + Lab Rats + Tachometer is the 13th episode of Season 5 in the 2016 reboot version of MacGyver.'


Mac and the team delve into the world of Italian car culture in order to track down a crime boss; Mac must lean on Desi when he discovers that he's losing the ability to control his hands; Mac and Desi move in together.


Somewhere in the Indian Ocean, a cruise liner is in trouble. Mac, Riley, and Boser are dealing with the issue by trying a solution.

Back at home, Mac was trying to figure out what he had done wrong. Desi wants him to put a little more time in the relationship. Matty calls them but they get ready. Taylor briefs on the pair of a barn find vehicle in Umbria Italy and it was listed for 500 euros. He also lists the $5 wanted for Interpol, and probably owned it, and his people had done some bombings.

Riley and Boser were tracking the nano trackers and the people behind it.

In Italy, Mac is interested in the car. Two men come and offer 10,000 euros, convincing the lady. They knew exactly what they are doing as one looked directly at the bullet hole and the other stood in Desi's blind spot. A shootout occurs, and hot-wire the car, and do some makeshift action to get it out of the place. Being chased on the road, Mac gets onto the road, and drains the oil off the barn and causes the goons to run off the road. After they pull aside, Taylor wired money to Carla, and scheduled an inspection a an interpol place 300 km away, but the handy fix tow wont' work. Mac calls Boser to pull up medical files about cancer.

At headquarters, Riley and Taylor are looking for the guy to contact the buyer for information. Meanwhile, Taylor wants Riley to hack into a telecom company to delete a few text messages sent by Taylor.

Attempts to get the car running by Mac and Desi gets it working, by taking parts from the rental car. They drive. They still talk about their relationship on the road since they started dating again, as she has doubts. Calling Taylor, they are told that the two men killed Taylor and told the police that Mac did so. Popping the hood of the car, the engine has issues. A police officer's car sounds could be heard in the distance, forcing them to rush.

Meanwhile the Pheonix headquarters, the CIA's top neurologist came in, and tells them that the inert nano trackers are clumping together in Mac's head, and can do more in the future. A call between Matty and a local police detective reveals that the specific police officer was the one who wanted him dead because he was the one who shot at him and missed by “a hair”, calling for a blockade 100km in the place.

Mac and Desi try to do makeshift items so that the the car can be hidden in plain sight. Riley and Taylor travel to Italy ask a woman about her father and the car. They kind of get info that the person is heading to San Marino. Mac and Desi find out independently and drive there, bypassing a blockade where the sergeant is at. At a garage, the people realize it is and the team work to put on a show for a race, so the the man can be drawn out in public. Mac and Desi are invited to a dinner with old folks, who talk about racing so well. The car is slowly restored. It is taken to a show where people come to look at he car.

The man himself comes and steals the car. The police come and try to arrest them but gives chase. They put it under some pots so that the bomb explodes. The group takes a takes a group shortcut to somewhere far up front. Then, they makeshift an arresting cable that stops the car, arresting the escapee. At Pheonix headquarters, both Mac and Riley are engaged in a medication that analyzes the brain function to see if they can get rid of the nano-trackers. Later that night, Mac and Desi go to sleep, seemingly have mended their relationship. Matty watches carefully of the broker via webcam. Someone comes in and kills him, to Matty's horror.


Death Counts

The Broker



  • Russ Taylor called Bozer, Dr, Double-O-Boze which is a play on words to James Bond code, 007 and the James Bond films.
  • This is the first time someone other than Lucas Till narrates the way something MacGyver makes and uses something. This was done by Levy Tran.




  • Peter Allas as Marco Vecchi
  • Fabio Massimo Bonini as Franco Scuro
  • Amy Dionne as Dr. Sandria
  • Victoria Ric as Carla Giordano
  • Matt Fowler as Broker
  • Melanie Minichino as Simona Amelia Scuro
  • Vincent Aleandri as Nicola
  • Gianfranco Folchitto as Guido

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