MacGyver Wiki
Dia de Muertos + Sicarios + Family
Season 3, Episode 5
Air date October 19, 2018
Written by Rob Pearlstein
Directed by Peter Weller
Episode Guide
Guts + Fuel + Hope


Murdoc + MacGyver + Murdoc

Dia de Muertos + Sicarios + Family is the 5th episode of Season 3 in the 2016 reboot version of MacGyver.


When Oversight’s attempt to capture a drug cartel’s leader goes bad, MacGyver and Jack rush to Mexico to pull their boss out while racing through the heart of the country during Dia de Muertos celebrations. Also, Bozer and Riley use Halloween as a distraction to gather intel on a man accused of treason.


Cold Open[]

Luis Gomez kneels while lighting candles in a flower-filled part of a greenhouse. There is a picture of a woman and a girl, which he strokes. He speaks to them as he does, telling them that the candles are to guide their souls home. Rafa enters, asking forgiveness as he does. He tells Gomez that "he" has finally admitted to being in contact with the Americans but won't say any more. Gomez stands and leaves the greenhouse. There is a bloodied man tied to a chair. Gomez approaches him, but before he can speak there is an explosion and several armed men in skull masks rush in. They free the bound man and capture Gomez, putting them in the waiting SUV. One of the masked men removes his mask, revealing him to be James MacGyver. "Let's get the hell out of here."


Deaths [1]

  • Luis Gomez killed 2 people
  • Officer Cardoza executed Luis Gomez.






  • Marco Rodriguez as Luis Gomez
  • David Midura as Daniel Kettner
  • Santiago Segura as Officer Cardoza
  • Adela Tirado as Maribel Vargas
  • Christopher Marquez as Rafa
  • Trayce Malachi as Calvin

Episode Promo[]


  1. Death Count

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