MacGyver Wiki
Fence + Suitcase + Americium-241
Season 3, Episode 12
Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at 6.43.19 PM
Air date January 11, 2019
Written by Brian Durkin
Directed by Ron Underwood
Episode Guide
Mac + Fallout + Jack


Wilderness + Training + Survival

Fence + Suitcase + Americium-241 is the 12th episode of Season 3 in the 2016 reboot version of MacGyver.


The Phoenix teams up with a woman who's a soccer mom by day but a master thief by night to catch one of her contacts, an underworld criminal, who has hired her to steal a dirty bomb.[1]


Cold Open[]

In a terrorist compound, a thug beats Mac while Bozer is powerless to help. One of the men demands to know the location of the map. When Mac won't tell him he grabs Bozer and asks him. Bozer uses the opportunity to steal a grenade from his vest and immediately pulls the pin. The terrorists all run away. Mac tells Bozer to put the pin back in, but he has lost it. Mac finds a used toothpick, which he uses to buy them a few seconds to run.

Main Plot[]

Mac and the gang team up with a master thief Charlotte Cole, who is a mom by day, but a master thief by night, to catch an underworld criminal who only goes by the alias The Fence who hired her to steal a dirty bomb. Matty tasks Riley to pretend to be Charlotte Cole in order to find out what task the Fence has in store for Charlotte. The Fence tasks Riley to steal a dirty bomb hidden in a brief case from Silverwall in Moscow. Matty threatens Charlotte to help them to stop the dirty bomb from getting in The Fence's hands, in return for not telling her family about the truth about her activities. There are extensive security measures in which they need Charlotte's help to get through, which The Fence had mentioned that Charlotte had passed through before. The Phoenix team successively infiltrate SilverWall and find the dirty bomb. Mac determines that the bomb is made of Americium 241 and successively defuses it with Charlotte's help. Charlotte double crosses Mac and handcuffs him to the table, getting away with the suitcase. The team find the plane Charlotte is scheduled to fly back in back to Los Angeles in order to hand over to The Fence. In order to stop the bomb getting into a domestic terrorist's hands and exploding on American soil, Riley intercepts the exchange but since Riley was initially pretending to be Charlotte Cole, this forces The Fence to hesitate when they are held at gunpoint. The Fence reveals that he has Charlotte's family in captivity to determine the real Charlotte Cole. When Riley is about to be shot, Mac saves her with flaming tires, allowing Riley to escape.


  • Matty made a deal with Charlotte Cole that if Cole gave up information about a meeting she would go free. Cole told Matty everything. Matty did not keep her end of the bargain, and instead told Cole she had to help with a heist if she wanted to go free.


Wilt Bozer: I got a question I been dying to ask since LA. Why're you still living the secret cat burglar life when you have a family at home?
Charlotte Cole: People tell new mothers that they shouldn't give up their hobbies, that continuing them only makes you a better mother and wife. Being a thief has always been my hobby.

Angus MacGyver: I need your cell phones.
Wilt Bozer: I hate to sound like Jack, but I just upgraded, okay? I like to get this back. Phones ain't cheap, Mac!
Riley Davis: You didn't get the insurance?
Wilt Bozer: I never get the insurance! Do you?
Riley Davis: Yeah, ever since I met him I do.


George Eads was credited in this episode but did not appear.




  • Bridget Regan as Charlotte Cole
  • Faran Tahir as The Fence
  • David Kallaway as Darren Farragut
  • Darren Darnborough as Lead Terrorist
  • Greg Corbett as Lenny
  • Angelo Diaz as Lead TAC Agent
  • Andre Pushkin as Silver Wall Security Guard
  • Samuel Moody as Sam
  • Izabella Dzmitryieu as Caliope
  • Jiri Stanek as Silver Wall Security Guard # 3

Episode Promo[]

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  1. Amazon Prime synopsis