MacGyver Wiki
K-9 + Smugglers + New Recruit
Season 3, Episode 15
Air date February 15, 2019
Written by Rob Pearlstein
Directed by Gabriel Beristain
Episode Guide
Father + Bride + Betrayal


Lidar + Rogues + Duty

K-9 + Smugglers + New Recruit is the 15th episode of Season 3 in the 2016 reboot version of MacGyver.


After a surprising introduction to Phoenix's newest recruit, Desi who is MacGyver's friend and their team are assigned to escort and protect an ATF (alcohol, tobacco, firearms) gun-sniffing dog who has a bounty on his head, only to discover they’re not the only ones crashing the weapon drop.


Cold Open[]

Mac is towelling off after a shower. A woman is eating his snacks and critiques his choice of flavor. Mac grabs a badminton racquet and holds it between them, demanding to know who she is and how she got in. She remarks that his alarm system is a joke and his locks could be picked by a toddler. "Jack said you were smart. So far I'm not convinced." She introduces herself and says that her friends call her Dez but that Mac should call her Desi. She explains that his home security is her responsibility, and that his current setup is completely unacceptable. She goes on to say that she expects to hate babysitting him. He asks why she's there then. She says she owes Jack, but declines to say for what. She tells him to hurry so that he's not late for work. She gives him an object lesson in security, and walks away.


  • This marks the on-screen debut of Desiree Nguyen in the episode.
  • A Passive RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) chip has no battery, meaning it only broadcasts the data stored on it when it's activated by electromagnetic radio waves, like the ones put out by an RFID reader.
  • At the climax of the episode Mac is watching through a vent. A smuggler pulls a gun on Maria and is about to kill her while the team has done nothing to prevent this. The K9 breaks his leash and saves Maria from the smuggler, who coincidentally shoots a nearby explosive, allowing Maria to live.



Desiree Nguyen: Can I be candid?
Angus MacGyver: That was you holding back?
Desiree Nguyen: When Jack reached out and told me he needed a favor I thought I'll probably hate babysitting Walking Genius Bar and his friends.
Angus MacGyver: And now?
Desiree Nguyen: Now I'm sure of it.

Wilt Bozer: Is it possible this woman Jack sent us is even crazier than he is?
Riley Davis: Oh, she is absolutely crazier than he is.

Riley Davis: You know, I've never met anyone more prickly and opinionated. I think I kinda like her.


  • Levy Tran who played as Desi marks her the first appearance in this episode.





  • Presilah Nunez as ATF Maria Satio
  • Ryan Czerwonko as Lead Smuggler
  • Tahj Vaughans as Smuggler # 1
  • Michel Curiel as Smuggler # 2
  • Ashlee Heath as Mom
  • David Vaughn as Dad
  • Kinsley Isla Dillon as Little Girl
  • Bid Syed as Afghan Father
  • Juju Syed as Afghan Mother
  • Bilal Syed as Afghan Son
  • Riya Bhatia as Afghan Daughter

Episode Promo[]

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