MacGyver Wiki
Angus MacGyver
"Not a good one."

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Biographical Information
Real Name: Unknown
Status: Deceased
Affiliations: Codex
United States Marine Corps (Formerly)
Physical Description
Episode Count: 2
Character Information
First appearance: Save + The + Dam + World
Portrayed by: Tobin Bell

Character Flag - American Male Military Deceased Season Four Season Five

Leland is the former head of Codex.

Early life[]

Leland was an officer in the United States in the United States Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. During the war, he served as Eric Andrews commanding officer. He presumably became a member of Codex after his service in the war likey because he became disillusioned fighting in the conflict. In 1985, he approached his fellow former Marine Eric Andrews and the two carried out an attack against an embassy. Andrews refused to attack families and children but Leland had no reservations about attacking innocence as long as the job was completed

Leland rose through the ranks of Codex until he became the organization leader. He saved Gwendolyn Hayes from her the plane crash the government intended to kill her with; he did so by bribing CIA agents, turning them the other way. Leland made Gwendolyn his second-in-command and put her in charge of executing the plans detailed in File 47. He appeared to have complete faith in Gwen and trusted her to keep Codex's Scepter safe.

Leland Later approached Russ Taylor and attempted to acquire the Hades X1 and recruit him to the organization. Taylor refused Leland's offers so he ordered Martin Bishop to retrieve the bioweapon. This led to Codex assassinating five of Taylor's Spearhead Operations agents in order to acquire Hades X1.

Season 4[]

Loyalty + Family + Rogue + Hellfire[]

Leland had Codex's head of security Roman tail, Gwendolyn Hayes, during her meeting with her nephew Angus MacGyver To ensure that she did not become compromised.

Save + The + Dam + World[]

When Angus MacGyver joined Codex he had a meeting with Leland where his loyalty was assessed. Leland explained to MacGyver the organization's ancient history. He also revealed to Mac that he had previously tried to recruit Taylor to Codex. Later, he realized that Angus was still a Phoenix agent, so he had ordered a helicopter to kill him, which failed. Meanwhile, he had the entire place scrubbed and Codex moved on.

Season 5[]

Eclipse + USMC-1856707 + Step Potential + Chain Lock + Ma[]

Leland had arranged for Ramon to kidnap Russ Taylor. He ordered for Taylor to be tortured for information on The Scepter. The remnants Codex then blackmailed the Phoenix foundation to retrieve Eric Andrews. When electroshock torture failed to convince Taylor to talk, Leland threatened to send a hit squad to Revaca to take out Russ' former girlfriend Emilia. Russ broke under the pressure and used a Psi ops trick to give Leland the former location that the Scepter was being held. Leland Had planned to have Andrews use his elite skill set to retrieve the Scepter from the military fort. His plans completely fell through when Eric Andrews escaped.



