MacGyver Wiki
Muscle Car + Paper Clipse
Season 2, Episode 2
Roulette Wheel + Wire Promotional Images 1
Air date October 13, 2017
Written by Nancy Kiu
Directed by Ericson Core
Episode Guide
DIY or Die


Roulette Wheel + Wire

Muscle Car + Paper Clips is the 2nd episode of Season 2 in the 2016 reboot version of MacGyver.


Using a necklace and a microwave transmitter, Mac and the team attempt to locate Riley after her first solo mission with a group of dangerous hackers goes off the rails.


Riley hesitates when she holds someone at gunpoint, causing a thief to escape with a portable EMP device. Jack takes the blame for it, but gets worried when Riley has to go on a solo operation involving a group of hackers known as Bedlam. While Riley tries to slow Bedlam down, Mac and Cage work on saving the US Secretary of Defense, whose pacemaker has been hacked.


Deaths [3][4]


Wilt Bozer: That dude isn’t crazy enough to set off an EMP on a plane while he’s still on the plane... is he? That would shut down the engines!
Terrorist: (sets off the EMP)
Wilt Bozer: Oh. He's exactly that crazy!

Jack Dalton: Did he just take the last parachute?!
Angus MacGyver: Yeah. And I just sent out a cargo crate with all the stuff I need to make more.

Jack Dalton: I remember the first time I had to kill somebody. It stays with you. It’s not something you easily forget.

Jack Dalton: She is not ready for a solo mission!
Matilda Webber: I thought you said what happened on the plane was your fault, Jack.
Jack Dalton: Oh yeah, what I said about the place... Yeah it was totally my fault. There.
Angus MacGyver: And mine. I helped. Un-helped.
Matilda Webber: You know I doc your pay every time you lie to me?!
Angus MacGyver: (looks surprised)
Jack Dalton: When we start doing that?

Samantha Cage: Are you sure this is going to work?
Angus MacGyver: I’m never that sure.

Secretary of Defense: This is kidnapping!...And treason!
Angus MacGyver: Actually treason require intent to aid the enemy so-
Samantha Cage: Mac you're not helping.

Jack Dalton: Brother if you can fix dead, we’re in the wrong business.

Angus MacGyver: If you're gonna do it, do it in style.

Riley Davis: To be fair. I ever really wanted to take any of your advice, so...

Matilda Webber: And now the Phoenix has a very powerful ally at the department of Defense.
Angus MacGyver: And all we have to do is kidnap the guy and nearly kill him.


  • Kate Bond has been credited under a new name Jill as opposed to her pre-shoot name of Dierdre. The two have been combined.





  • Ronnie Gene Blevins as Cyclone
  • Victoria Hall as Akira
  • Shawn Kathryn Kane as D-Rez
  • George "Tyrus" Murdoch as Goliath
  • Douglas Olsson as Secretary of Defense
  • Ari Rufino as Guard
  • Mustafa Gatollari as Rasha
  • Sameer Ali Khan as Nizar
  • Danny Boushebel as Sayid

Episode Promo[]


  1. Cigar Cutter
  2. Scissors
  3. Death Count
  4. 4.0 4.1 Angus MacGyver's Kill Count

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