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"Not a good one."

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Off The Wall
Season 7, Episode 137
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Airdate 30th December 1991
Written by Rick Mittleman
Guest Stars Richard Coca as Lobo
Kathleen Freeman as Rose
Ruth Manning as Helen Dabney
Betty Carvalho as Gloria Diaz
Stanley Kamel as Victor Kasanti
John Considine as Andrew Lawton
Directed by Michael Preece
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Gunz 'N Boyz
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The Stringer

Off The Wall is the 12th episode of Season 7 in the original version of MacGyver.


Dempsey & Magruta: Law Offices - someone picks their way in there, does some vandalism and goes through the drawers and file cabinets until he finds the file he's looking for. MacGyver pays the bail on a young "graffiti artist". A Rich Businessman in a limo is upset at his underling because he has bought the entire slum area and wants to tear it down but can't because an old lady is contesting the eviction notice served by the underling. The underling calms him down by saying that the Judge threw the case out because the old lady did not have a solid case. It's MacGyver to the rescue again...


After MacGyver has his hands zip-tied behind his back, he is shown using a heater element to melt the zip-tie thus freeing himself. But during the close-up showing him melting through the zip-tie, you can see that the zip-tie was so loose that there was a 3-inch gap between his hands leaving plenty of room for him to have just slipped it off.
