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Partners | |
Season 2, Episode 40 | |
Airdate | 2nd March 1987 |
Written by | Bill Froehlich & Mark Lisson |
Directed by | Cliff Bole |
Episode Guide | |
Previous Dalton, Jack Of Spies |
Next Bushmaster |
Partners is the 18th episode of Season 2 in the original version of MacGyver.
MacGyver and Peter Thornton are tricked and kidnapped by an assassin they thought dead named Murdoc and think back to the last time they encountered him seven years ago.
Act One[]
MacGyver arrives at Adler's wrecking Yard wanting to celebrate an anniverssary of when he met Peter Thornton six years prior. He follows a note left by Thornton: "Bring a bar magnifying glass at 8:00 sharp". He finds Thornton in a wrecked taxi cab who denies sending such a note. Thornton gets out a newspaper for MacGyver to read and mentions MacGyver's note to meet him at the junkyard. MacGyver thinks it was really Jack Dalton's notes for a wild goose chase. On the newspaper, MacGyver scrolls through the obituaries of those whose lives were ended until they find a new entry; An obituary for Peter Thornton, Jack Dalton and MacGyver.
Just then, someone uses a forklift to lower the car roof trapping the two agents inside. The assailant then carries the cab into a container truck and locks them inside. As the truck leaves for an unknown destination, MacGyver and Thornton struggle but get out of the cab. With no way out, MacGyver spots a speaker system in their confine. Although they could not see their assailant, MacGyver remembers seven years before they met when they were chasing a villain named Murdoc who was alledgedly killed when a building caved in from an explosion. Suddenly, Murdoc's voice booms who taunts how his death was greatly exaggerated. He is pleased to meet his two adversaries again, for the next hour until their deaths. MacGyver fears the assassin wants the two to sweat in fear before execution and recognizes the model of the cab, the kind Jack Dalton had when MacGyver was trying to keep the taxi afloat.
Seven years ago, a woman named Sara asked if MacGyver was free in Jack Dalton's cab which he replied he was and got in. She asked for South and Third for urgent business mistaking the driver for Jack Dalton. They did not see someone was trailing the cab.
They arrived at their destination, Sara paid MacGyver's fare and headed inside the building. A bushy haired agent followed after her. Sensing trouble, MacGyver raced inside the warehouse and just as the agent was about to apprehend Sara, MacGyver warned her and tackled the agent. The agent warned MacGyver to stay put until he captured his target. The agent's car was stolen by Sara and MacGyver tackled before he can get a shot off. Desperate, the agent ordered MacGyver to go after her in Dalton's cab.
Act Two[]
Present day, Murdoc taunts if their situation has not been too uncomfortable and doubts their survival chances. MacGyver checks the wrecked cab for anything useful and Thornton blames him for getting them in the mess.
Seven years ago, the bushy haired agent ordered MacGyver to maintain minimal speed so the lady they are chasing will not spot them. The agent warned that the "lady" is actually a world-class assassin named Murdoc whom he was investigating for six months in the DXS; MacGyver apologizes for the misunderstanding. The agent introduced himself as Pete Thornton. They followed after Murdoc-as-Sara onto a rocky road. Then, a van stopped the cab in their tracks and two occupants of it aimed bazookas which Thornton warned against any funny movements. "Sara" set up a tripod camera then revealed "herself" to be Murdoc who taunts them for cooperating so beautifully. Murdoc warned if MacGyver and Pete attempt to escape or even move the cab, the bazookas would fire. Thornton explained Murdoc's modus operandi; he is an international terrorist and master of disguise and captures photos of his victims at the moment of their death. One shot goes to whoever ordered the hit and another to the DXS as a warning.
Since Pete has no idea how to get out of their predicament, MacGyver untied his shoe laces for an idea. Murdoc reminiscenced on his long fued with Peter Thornton. While MacGyver prepared to rope the gas pedal with the laces, Murdoc remembered when he eluded captured in Lisbon and how death is a game to him. MacGyver also had a wrench attached to his shoe so he can guide the lace. While Murdoc planned to produce the death photos, MacGyver attached a paper clip to the lace for the makeshift lasso and prepared it for the wrench. Murdoc laments how a bystander like MacGyver had gotten involved in his methods of killing while MacGyver prepared to reverse the force on the shoe laces. The camera starts shooting photos when the explosion sparks and will save the photos for his private collection. Tying the shoe lace to the door handle replaces the force on the gas peddle. Murdoc gave his thugs five minutes for firing preparations and left. When MacGyver opens the door, the lasso will activate the gas pedal and give them an open escape route. The two opened their cab doors and dive out letting the thugs destroy only the cab. The bazooka thugs were apprehended by Pete and duct taped tied by MacGyver. He also regretted they owe Jack Dalton a cab and a huge explanation.
At the Memorial Hospital, Jack Dalton was reccuperating from broken legs but will melt down when he heard what happened to his cab. MacGyver and Pete arrived to see Dalton studying flight intent on selling off the cab, get an airplane and hire a stewardess. Thornton wanted to cover insurrance on the wrecked cab and MacGyver says Murdoc's thugs blew the cab up with bazookas. Jack melted down and tried to attack but fell over and broke one of his arms. MacGyver and the doctor promised Jack's arms will be fine when he walks again. When MacGyver got the ownership and registration papers, the DXS will cover the cab.
They visited Dalton's underground apartment in an office building as he once rented space for his truck. When MacGyver got spare time, he would clean up the apartment. He got the papers out from under the bed, but when he sat down on it, he activated a bomb wired to go off if he tries to get up. Under pressure, Thornton spots the bomb likely planted by Murdoc while will blow the bed and MacGyver up. With the low-powered charge, it would blow straight up. MacGyver reached out to the DXS agent who pulls his new friend clear of the explosion. MacGyver sensed that Dalton will be even more furious the bed was wrecked and spotted how Pete's hair was a toupee. Pete believed anyone who can use means other than firearms can be useful in hunting down Murdoc and offered to help in the hunt; But MacGyver wanted to quit the volunteer business but Murdoc won't give up on killing them. With that, MaCGyver and Pete Thornton's partnership was born.
Act Three[]
Present day, Murdoc announces they are halfway to their destination. Pete finds panty hose from Murdoc's masquerade as Sara and the wrecked cab has no functionable engine. Thornton remembered cab negotiations with Jack Dalton and panics wanting an engine to force the way out of the box. MacGyver assures they will find a way out.
Seven years ago, the day after MacGyver and Pete's visit to the underground apartment, Thornton promised he will pay for the wrecked cab full current value. Dalton comments on MacGyver's honesty and how the DXS will cover the cab and bed that Murdoc blasted. Dalton panicked concerned he will be Murdoc's next target for a bed bomb. Thornton explained the assassin is still after MacGyver, but Jack barbed he will let the assassin hunt him down even if he has to wreck the apartment to do it. While Jack was happy about it being the best and possible last day of his life, a nurse showed up bringing in Jack's treat Jell-O and pudding and if he took his pills, she would give him a nice sponge bath. But MacGyver recognized Murdoc's lip stick from his Sara and masquerade and the assassin tried to catch him by surprise. Murdoc exchanged blows with MacGyver and Pete before trying to barricade the door with Jack's bed and fled out of the hospital. Escaping across the streets, Murdoc fled into a building which he failed to notice was rigged for detonation. The police tried to warn him and with no way for MacGyver and Pete to follow, the charges went off and the building caved in supposedly killing Murdoc.
Present day, Murdoc communicates how he miraculously survived the demolition and intends to give his two adversaries a taste of the blasts. Thornton blames himself and MacGyver for not double checking the wreckage. The truck arrives at a marsh and Murdoc unhooks the truck cab from the container; He then prepares twelve pounds of dynamite with an explosive force like the building he narrowly escaped from. Pete throws something at the speaker. Murdoc gets a good distance away and activates a seven minute timer.
Act Four[]
With three minutes and fifty-six seconds until the bombs go off, MacGyver and Pete work to empty the car to find something to blow a way out. Pete smiles even in the face of death. MacGyver gathers an old oil can, Murdoc's pantyhose, exhaust pipe and an old car battery with still fresh acid. With two and a half minutes, they soak the pantyhose and exhaust pipe in oil. They work as quickly as possible with time running out. Murdoc has set up a tripod camera for what he will consider the greatest photo of his career never knowing MacGyver has prepared a makeshift bomb to blow the back door open. With forty-eight seconds, the fuse is lit and the makeshift bomb gives the two a chance to escape the trailer before the dynamite goes off.
Furious over another failure, Murdoc grabs another set of dynamite and tries to blast the two Phoenix agents to pieces; But MacGyver throws a rock to obstruct the windshield of Murdoc's truck making him drop the dynamite. The two duck for cover and the dynamite goes off. Thornton is confident Murdoc did not survive this time, but MacGyver doubts it since the truck door was open. The camera captures the shots of the wreckage.
The two agents return to the junkyard and MacGyver realizes Pete discarded his toupee since he grew out of it. Jack Dalton shows up having been enticed by Murdoc's note which is claimed to be from Pete but arrived late to the reunion. He brings gifts and remembers when Murdoc inexplicably brought the four of them together. The episode closes with Dalton getting a photo with his two friends.
Main CastRecurring Cast- Bruce McGill as Jack Dalton
- Michael Des Barres as Murdoc
- Iris Alhanti as Sara