MacGyver Wiki
Quarantine + N95 + Landline + Telescope + Social Distance
Season 5, Episode 6
Air date January 22, 2021
Written by Stephanie Hicks and Andrew Karlsruher
Directed by Andrew Ahn
Episode Guide
Jack + Kinematics + Safe Cracker + MgKNO3 + GTO


Golden Lancehead + Venom + Pole Vault + Blood + Baggage

Quarantine + N95 + Landline + Telescope + Social Distance is the 6th episode of Season 5 in the 2016 reboot version of MacGyver.


During COVID-19's first stay-at-home order, as Mac, Bozer and Riley quarantine together, they try to stop a crime in progress at their neighbor's house. Also, Russ' romantic fling takes on a longer and more complicated turn when they quarantine together


People are at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mac is with Riley and Bozer. Taylor is with a lady friend. Desni is with her family.

Bozer uses his own telescope to look at a neighbor's house and sees some violence. The trio decide to pose as a Amazon driver to deliver a package to get a message. They do so, but are perplexed that nothing was said.

Later they see that a repeat of violence occurred and they took action. Later, they make further surveillance and realize that there are some thieves who plan on robbing a mall. They had used the neighbor's vacuum business and use it as a front for their robbery. They posed as employees and entered acting as a team to disinfect the place. They proceed to commence robbery a store full of Jewels. MacGyver and Riley defeat the team and a SWAT team arrest the robbers.


Death Counts


Mac: When the world feels like it's so turned upside down that it's impossible to fix, it helps to look at things from a different angle.

Mac: Hey, Bozer, how do you feel about helping me make an invisibility cloak?

Bozer: How is that even a question?

Desi: Mac, what's the rule?

Mac: Ugh. No backseat drive during car chases.

Desi: Mm-hmm. That's right. I drive, and you build things out of other things.

Matty: Russell Taylor, listen to me carefully. Any woman that could stand being shacked up with you for 30 days, in my book, is a saint.


  • The original title of the script was "Telescope + S-218 + Amplifier + Frenemies + Fog"; indicating that guest star David Dastmalchian should have been a guest star (as recurring character Murdoc). This was later confirmed by show runner Monica Macer in an interview with TV Guide Magazine in October. As there had to be revisions due to the pandemic since this episode filmed in November 2020.
    • Meredith Eaton and Tobin Bell only appear by video feed, and are never present with the other actors because of social distancing.
  • Even though this the sixth episode of season five. The production number for the episode is 502, which indicated that it was the second episode filmed for the season. (not counting the holdover S4 episodes which got transplanted into this season)




  • Dan Lauria as Lenny
  • Marie Thomas as Mallory Krengel
  • Camilla Arfwedson as Sofia Walker
  • Benjamin Keepers as Shane Steckler
  • Victor Turner as James Krengel
  • Nadia Lorencz as Robber/Cleaner #6
  • Sam Hargrave as Tall Robber/Cleaner #12

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