MacGyver Wiki
Scavengers + Hard Drive + Dragonfly
Season 3, Episode 7
Scavengers + Hard Drive + Dragonfly
Air date November 9, 2018
Written by Andrew Karlsruher
Directed by Gabriel Beristain
Episode Guide
Murdoc + MacGyver + Murdoc


Revenge + Catacombs + Le Fantome

Scavengers + Hard Drive + Dragonfly is the 7th episode of Season 3 in the 2016 reboot version of MacGyver.


Matty sends MacGyver and team to Ghana to recover a hard drive from an e-waste landfill that is run by a powerful and violent man. But when Matty refuses to reveal what’s on the drive, other than a mysterious file called “Dragonfly,” the team speculates about what could be so important to her.


Cold Open[]

Matty, clad in formal wear, is standing on a balcony connected to a suite in a skyscraper in Los Angeles. Senator Todd Steckler joins her on the balcony, clad in a tuxedo. He notes that she doesn't enjoy this form of gathering. She agrees, saying that she'd rather be working. He reveals that he is only attending the event in order to see her, since he believes she would refuse any other form of encounter. She confirms his belief and begins to leave. He insists that she stay, and informs her that he needs her help. He is being blackmailed by someone who has photographic evidence of one of his extra-marital affairs. Matty suggests he take it up with the FBI. He tells her that someone has acquired one of his old computers, and she tells him to either pay the blackmail or come clean with his wife, strongly suggesting the latter option. She begins to leave, but Steckler tells her that the computer also has a file from his time on the committee overseeing covert ops. He tells her that it's Dragonfly, and she is incredulous.

At the Phoenix Foundation during the day, Matty briefs Mac, Bozer, Riley, and Jack about the senator's lost computer. It had its files deleted and then was shipped to Ghana. Matty shows the blackmail message, and Riley and Jack are puzzled why the Phoenix needs to help with an infidelity scandal. Matty explains that the real goal is the Dragonfly file. Jack asks about the nature of the file, but Matty declines to explain. She says there's a car waiting to take them to LAX, where they will board a commercial plane. This astonishes the team, and Jack refuses to take a commercial flight. Matty looks at him and quietly says please. He is taken aback, and agrees. After the team has left the War Room, Bozer says that the briefing was weird. Jack says that Matty is scared.


Deaths [1]






Episode Promo[]


  1. Death Count

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