MacGyver Wiki
Seeds + Permafrost + Feather
Season 3, Episode 17
Air date March 8, 2019
Written by Nancy Kiu and Lindsey Allen
Directed by Alexandra La Roche
Episode Guide
Lidar + Rogues + Duty


Murdoc + Helman + Hit

Seeds + Permafrost + Feather is the 17th episode of Season 3 of the 2016 reboot version of MacGyver.


MacGyver and team are asked to solve a locked-door mystery when a man working inside a remote, ultra-secure international seed vault disappears.


Cold Open[]

In Paris, Mac and Desi are in bed together when two armed men kick in their door, shout clear, then (somehow) shut the door again. Mac is relieved. Desi complains about the plan, but Mac points out that it worked. The door opens again, and a gunman adds, "For a minute." Desi complains, "So I got naked for nothing?"


  • The original air date for this episode was originally going to be a week earlier (Friday, March 8, 2019). But due to CBS News' Special R. Kelly Interview airing March 8, 2019, the air date was pushed to March 15, 2019.


Angus MacGyver: You know, I thought the only good thing about Jack being gone was that maybe I could get some privacy.
Riley Davis: You were definitely mistaken about that.





  • Carsten Norgaard as Nils Madsen
  • Loretta Ann Reviere-Perry as Waitress
  • Matthew Bellows as Oliver
  • Matthew Jayson Cwern as Arthur
  • Carlos Leal as Jules
  • Marty Lindsey as Ludek Passer
  • Tatiana Warden as Passer's Wife
  • Maurice P. Kerry as Bad Guy

Episode Promo[]

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