MacGyver Wiki
Specimen 234 + PAPR + Outbreak
Season 3, Episode 9
Air date November 30, 2018
Written by Lindsey Allen
Directed by Mike Martinez
Episode Guide
Revenge + Catacombs + Le Fantome


Matty + Ethan + Fidelity

Specimen 234 + PAPR + Outbreak is the 9th episode of Season 3 in the 2016 reboot version of MacGyver.


When a vial containing a deadly virus is stolen from the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, MacGyver and team race to recover it before the thief unleashes a global pandemic.[1]


Cold Open[]

In a scene straight out of Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean, Mac and Jack are in a cage and there's a dog nearby with the key. Jack tries to convince the dog to bring them the key. He uses the leg bone of a man who had died in the cage, and the dog drops the keys and takes the bone. Mac quickly improvises a way to reach the keyring, but this inspires the dog to take grab the key and run off with it. "Don't suppose you have a Plan B, do ya? Huh?"


MacGyver, Jack and Bozer The team is told about a lab virus that could become an outbreak. They find a man named Lucas who stole the virus and disguised himself as someone else. Lucas is infected with the virus so the team must cure him before it infects other people. He goes to Romania and tries to kill a rich person who killed his brother in an accident. MacGyver stops him While Jack gets in a fight.

Riley and Billy Meanwhile Riley and Billy have their car stolen by a mechanic who wants To salvage it for parts. They steal it back with a trick Riley learned from MacGyver. Billy then takes Riley to meet her grandmother.


  • Billy Colton takes a road trip with Riley in this episode.
  • This episode is set in Slovenia, the United States, and Romania.
  • When asking what type of virus was stolen, Jack mentions Solanum and the T-virus. Both are fictional viruses that cause humans to transform into zombies. The Solanum virus is from World War Z, and the T-virus is from Biohazard/Resident Evil.
  • Elwood Davis is mentioned but does not appear.
  • PAPR stands for Powered Air Purifying Respirator.
  • At one point Mac pulls out several syringes full of sedatives and people wonder where he could have possibly got them, and he just tells them not to worry about it. Their source is never explained in the episode.

Death Counts


Jack Dalton: We'll just put this conversation on pause until after we save the world.
Angus MacGyver: Glad your priorities are in order.

Jack Dalton: Hey, do you think we'll ever enter a house like a normal person?
Wilt Bozer: I doubt it.

Jack Dalton: Does this mean you have a plan for getting us inside?
Angus MacGyver: Yeah, well, I gotta dig in the neighbor's trash first, but I think I got a plan.


  • The Center for Disease Control is located in Atlanta, where filming for MacGyver primarily takes place.





  • Rod Hallett as Dr. Poppa
  • Deidrie Henry as Dr. Falama
  • Konstantin Lavysh as Sala
  • Thomas K. Belgrey as Ionescu (credited as Tom Belgrey)
  • Myrom Kingery as Mechanic
  • Evgeny Krutov as Guard
  • Kareem Lewis as Rideshare Driver
  • Stefan Rollins as Security Guard
  • Laura Whyte as Delores Davis

Episode Promo[]


  1. Amazon Prime synopsis

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