MacGyver Wiki
Target MacGyver
Season 1, Episode 10
Target MacGyver
Airdate 22nd December 1985
Written by Mike Marvin, Stephen Kandel & James Schmerer
Directed by Ernest Pintoff
Episode Guide
The Prodigal

Target MacGyver is the 10th episode of Season 1 in the original version of MacGyver.


MacGyver decides to visit his grandfather Harry. When he arrives, people want MacGyver dead. Since he is with his grandfather, Harry will need to be die as well.

Opening Gambit[]

MacGyver finds out a general is being held captive in a house at the edge of a public beach.

Once at the house, MacGyver sneaks into the kitchen and sets up a timed distraction of crashing pots and pans to allow him to evacuate the general from the house and then set up a trap to catch the two captors. He “traps” them under a beach chair, and then grabs one of their guns and holds them hostage until the authorities arrive.

Act 1[]

In the Middle East MacGyver sneaks into a yellowcake factory which he intends to blow it up to prevent them from using it to make a nuclear bomb. MacGyver plants two C4 charges and blows up the plant putting them out of business.

Back at MacGyver's beach house MacGyver enters his apartment and turns on the LED light someone broke in while he was away. MacGyver opens the door and finds Barney sleeping on the couch. Barney gives him the bad news Axminister placed a hit on him and he needs to lay low for a couple of days. MacGyver decides to head Ouray to go fishing with Harry and reconnect with him.

On the bus MacGyver sits down next to a man reading a tabloid. MacGyver remanences about his time he spent with Harry and the events that lead to his falling out and MacGyver losing his memory and identity. Back at MacGyver's apartment Barney did not sweep the place for bugs and MacGyver's phone was tapped and Axminister finds out MacGyver is in Ouray and the address of Harry's cabin.

MacGyver steps off the bus and sure enough Harry is there waiting for him. MacGyver and Harry reconnect with each other and Harry tells MacGyver they need to head back quick because he has no headlights on his truck. Back at MacGyver's apartment the call has been traced and Axminister is enroute to Colorado to intercept MacGyver. At Harry's cabin Harry takes MacGyver's things and they head inside. MacGyver ask Harry why he abandoned him but he never gets a straight answer but tell MacGyver how he became a hermit living off grid. Down the road Axminister arrives with men and he has one thing on his mind "Kill MacGyver and pickup the bounty on his head".

Act 2[]


  • Home. Enough is enough. I will not, under any circumstances, for any reason whatsoever answer the phone ... probably ... again. - MacGyver
  • I like to take care of my own messes. - MacGyver
  • Big on aliens in Alabama. - MacGyver

No lie, full of strange people. That's why I'm goin' north. Back to see my family for a while. - Guy on bus Makes sense. - MacGyver

  • I hadn't seen my grandfather since I was ten. He was all the family I had - and we were strangers. - MacGyver
  • Hi. MacGyver here. When you hear the beep, let me know what's on your mind. - Answering machine message
  • What a beautiful part of the world. It has everything but people. - MacGyver
  • I never forget a grandfather. - MacGyver
  • You haven't changed. - MacGyer

Haven't had to, and I don't plan to. - Harry

  • "Still tough as a dirty boot, aren't you." - MacGyver
  • C'mon, Harry. You're the one who used to tell me: you don't fish for fish, you fish for fishin'. - MacGyver
  • You sure that'll work? - Harry

Nope. - MacGyver Bud, you are a comfort - Harry

  • When I was a kid, I used to chew pine pitch like it was gum. It tasted alright - but it burned a lot better. - MacGyver
  • They've been falling for your foolishness; I figured I'd try some of my own. - Harry
  • I just hope it's worth losing that trout. - Harry
  • You gotta hit 'em just right! - Harry


Main CastRecurring Cast
John Anderson as Harry Jackson
D'Mitch Davis as Axminster