MacGyver Wiki
 Treason + Heartbreak + Gum
Season 3, Episode 21
Air date May 3, 2019
Written by  Nancy Kiu & Lindsey Allen
Directed by Stephen Herek
Episode Guide
No-Go + High-Voltage + Rescue


Mason + Cable + Choices

Treason + Heartbreak + Gum is the 21st episode of Season 3 in the 2016 reboot version of MacGyver.


Matty's ex-husband, Ethan, asks her for help when a criminal organization kidnaps his wife and daughter; Matty must decide if she's willing to commit treason to help Ethan; Riley joins Billy Colton and Mama Colton on a mission to Paris.


  • Ethan reigns is taken to prison for treason.
  • Riley breaks up with Billy Culton.
  • When Mac, Desi, and Bozer are trying to figure out how to break into the building where Roth is holding Ethan's family hostage, Bozer asks, "So how do we Batman ourselves in to save Ethan's family?"

Death Counts



  • NOC is short for Non-Official Cover.
  • Metal bars driven into the bricks with masonry anchors, would require a lot of force to remove, thus a nylon hose in tandem with the pulley and gears will provide the Mechanical Advantage to pull out the steel bars.





  • George Tchortov as August Roth
  • Jeff Bachar as Sammelier
  • Diana Chiritescu as Ava Malone
  • Mahdi Cocci as Agent
  • Moses Das as Attaché
  • Marissa Chanel Hampton as Phoenix Tech

Episode Promo[]

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